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Sure, it sucks if you prefer to manage your subscriptions through Apple, just like when Netflix bailed, but Apple charges a lot for that convenience and it does limit what these platforms can do in terms of moving people to bundle pricing, which Disney is very interested in. Apple fails to justify their cut, or offer options that are more appealing than handling this themselves, so even BFF Disney is leaving.

A quick blog post about how this is probably about bundling, flexibility in how things are bundled and tiered, how costs will go up, and how that makes Apple's position as a glorified payment processor taking a percentage of it all make no sense.

joe-steel.comHulu and Disney+ No Longer Support Signups and Payment Using App Store

@joesteel Yeah, it’s actually remarkable how much money you can save and control over your experience you can gain by going outside Apple’s billing.

@matt but they're so special at doing ... stuff

@joesteel Can I bug you about a tiny copyediting thing? "... and confirmed by Jay Peters at The Verge confirmed that..." - very confirmed, is it? <grin>